Mainly used language is Japanese, but with summary in European languages
except some articles(*) and book reviews.
Abbreviation - E.: in English, F.: in French, G.: in German, I.: in Italian
- Kosuke NAKADA, The Taktika of Emperor Leo VI and the Byzantine Eastern Frontier in his Reign.
- Ryo YUGAMI, La finanza e la fischalità nella Repubblica di Venezia all'inizio del Settecento: la gelata del 1709 e gli effetti sui dazi nel trevigiano.
- Masaki YAMATE, Le inchieste sui contadini ravennati condotte dalla contessa Pasolini.
- Emi KOISHI, The Combination of Lion and Symbol Motif on the Aegean Glyptic.
- Motoaki ISHII, [Book Review] Ch. Mizuno, The Strata of Images: Miracle, Substitute and Prophecy in Renaissance Imagery.
- Ayako TAHARA, From the Nile to the Eden: Nilotic Images in the Early Christian Churches.
- Jun YAMADA, La maestosa figura umana nel cubicolo 39 (NR) delle catacombe di Domitilla: Nuove riflessioni dopo la scoperta.
- Hirofumi SUGAWARA, St. Anna Eleousa as a Representation of Tenderness.
- Mamoru FUJISAKI, Charity Organizations of the Medieval Papal Curia: Alms House and Hospitals.
- Kayoko TAKIMOTO, Las Memorias de Leonor López de Córdoba: la contradicción como estrategia narrativa.
- Yui TOYODA, La pintura de Santa Isabel de Hungría de Murillo (1672) y la idea fundadora del Hospital de la Santa Caridad, Sevilla.
- Sanae KAWADA, La pratique musicale durant l'Office de Ténèbres à la Chapelle Royale: étude concernant l'exécution des Leçons de Ténèbres.
- Aya HIWATASHI, Venezia contemporanea, lo sviluppo della città e il ruolo della navigazione interna.
- Kyoko HAGA, [Book Review] A. Mizuta, The Parthenon Frieze: Observation and Analysis.
- Yoshiki ONO, [Book Review] N. Mochizuki, Nicolas Poussin: Lisés l'istoire et le tableau.
- Aki NAKAGAWA, Gallia Cisalpina e Cesare di fronte alla liberalitas nelle iscrizioni.
- Maria FUKADA, I rilievi in stucco delle storia di Polifemo, Galatea e Aci a Villa Madama: La relazione tra Galatea e l'impresa di Giulio de' Medici.
- Yasushi UEDA, La pédagogie du piano au Conservatoire national de musique de Paris de la dernière moitié du XIXe siècle: Étude consacrée au « style » et au « mécanisme ».
- Taisuke KURODA, The Reutilization of the Ruins of the Porticus Octaviae as Dwelling: Comparison and Verification of the Etchings Works by G.B. Piranesi.
- Hidenobu JINNAI, [Book Review] M. Watanabe, Venezia nell'Età di Palladio.
- Yoshie KOJIMA, [Book Review] Y. Yokote, Medievalism in Italian Architecture: A Crossover of Past and Future.
- Toshihiro ABE, The Relationship between Lords and Peasants in the Frontier of the County of Barcelona in 12th Century: A Case of Region of Tortosa.
- Yoichi KAJIWARA, Les facultés de théologie et les ordres mendiants dans le Midi à la fin du Moyen Âge: exemples de Toulouse et de Montpellier.
- Fumika ARAKI, Reinterpretazione della Cappella Carafa di Filippino Lippi: Il committente come protettore della Castità.
- Tomoe HAMAZAKI, The Formation of the Republic of Turkey and Its Music: Focusing on the Issue of "Harmonization" of Turkish Folk Songs.
- Yuko TAKAHASHI, Recent Surveys and Studies about Early Iron Age of Greece: 2000-2009.
- Jun YAMADA, [Book Review] Y. Fujii, A Study of Iconography on Roman Glass around the 4th Century.
- Keiko OTA, [Book Review] M. Kisaichi, Maghrib Societies and Saint Worship in the Middle Ages.
- Koji KUWAKINO, I giardini italiani della prima età moderna come spazio in cui gestire le informazioni.
- Ewa KAWAMURA, Piranesi e il Grand Tour; la cerchia britannica e altri committenti-viaggiatori. (I)
- Tomoko YASUKAWA, Conférence sur la modalité dans la musique grecque (1878) de Bourgault-Ducoudray et la signification historique.
- Kazuaki AWA, [Book Review] M. Kanazawa, Cosmographia Romanica: The Iconography of the Tapestry of Creation in Girona.
- Yuriko SAKURAI, The Frescoes Program of the New Church of Tokalı Kilise, Cappadocia.
- Juri WAGURI, Le Scuole Grandi e i nobili nella Venezia rinascimentale. (I)
- Akihito KUDO, Colonial Cities and Urban Forms in Nineteenth Century Algeria.
- Tomoko TAKAHASHI, Vasari and the Maniera Moderna of Giorgione.
- Ryo MIYASHITA, Topoi of Oriental Travel Books between the Antiquity and the Different Culture: French Ambassador d'Aramon and His Companies.
- Noboru SATO, Internal Bribery and Athenian Society in the late 5th and 4th Century BCE.
- Shigetake NAGAO, [Book Review] J. Higaya, The Interpretation of the Ancient Architecture in the High Renaissance.
- Kaoru ADACHI, [Book Review] N. Kai, Federico Barocci e I Cappuccini: rose della carità e invito all'orazione.
- Takako NIWA, On Supergalleys of the Hellenistic Age.
- Takuma ITO, Maso Finiguerra desegnatore e la cultura grafica del suo tempo.
- Mariko KANEMITSU, "Teoria" e "Pratica" della musica da ballo delle launeddas.
- Noboru SATO, Bribery and Athenian Diplomacy.
- Chieko Shinozuka, [Book Review] K. SENGOKU-HAGA, Sculpture of Ancient Rhodes.
- Yoshinori KYOTANI, [Book Review] Y. Kanehara, Prato: Art and Devotion to the Sacred Belt.
- Juri WAGURI, [Book Review] Sh. Oguro, The Greedy and Deceitful: Fluctuating Image of Medieval Merchant.
- Yuko TAKAHASHI, M. Thomatos, The Final Revival of the Aegean Bronze Age.
- Hiroyuki KASHIWAGI, On the Blocks of the Stone Structure of Prince Khaemwaset at Abusir-South Hill, Egypt.
- Tomoo MATSUBARA, Oculus coeli, ovvero del San Paolo in trono di Domenico Beccafumi.
- Naomi SASAKI, A Study on the Types and Occasions of Italian Secular Cantatas in the 17th and the 18th Centuries.
- Mariko MURAMATSU, La "memoria" nella opere di Antonio Tabucchi, tra manierismo e impegno.
- Toshihiro OSADA, [Book Review] T. Hirayama, Kleitias and Athenian Black-Figure Vases in the Sixth-Century B.C.
- Ryusho TAKEBE, [Book Review] Y. Otsuki, Empire and Charity.
- Takashi YAMADA, [Book Review] E. Kawamura, Alberghi storici dell'isola di Capri.
- Tetsunori IKEZU, Ancient Greek Supplication ("hiketeia") and the Grounds for "Escape to Sanctity" in the Classical Society.
- Takuma ITO, L'identità di Giovanni di Francesco.
- Takashi YAMADA, L'Impresa del Teatro Nuovo di Napoli negli anni 1770-71; il caso della "famosa" e mai documentata rappresentazione de Le Trame per amore di Paisiello.
- Satoshi TERAO, Greek Speaking Communities in Italy.
- Yoshie KOJIMA, Il progetto e gli interventi di Edoardo Arborio Mella per il ripristino della Cattedrale di Borgo San Donnino. (I)
- Manabu AKIYAMA, [Book Review] K. Hopkins, A World Full of Gods.
- Tomoyuki MASUDA, [Book Review] S. Tsuji, A Study of the Wooden Doors of Santa Sabina in Rome.
- Mitsuru HAGA, Das Zeustempel von Olba: Kilikia in hellenistischer Zeit (2).
- Aya YOSHIKAWA, The Music of Johannes Ciconia at the Court of Visconti: His Works in the Lucca Codex.
- Naomi SASAKI, The Church Documents and Letters of Antonio Cesti: A Study on Opera Production and Performance by Priest in Seventeenth Century Italy.
- Taro KIMURA, Riflessione sulle interpretazioni del cosidetto "San Giovanni Battista" del Caravaggio.
- Kiyoko ISHIKAWA, Autour du thème du "hammam" dans les romans contemporains du Maghreb d'expression française.
- Chieko SHINOZUKA, [Book Review] J. J. Winckelmann, Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums, trans. by N. Nakayama.
- Kyoko SENGOKU-HAGA, Gli scultori greci e i committenti romani in Roma repubblicana.
- Mika TAKIGUCHI, Byzantine Gospel Manuscripts with Multiple Images of the Life of Christ.
- Mari KAWAKAMI, Giovanni Vincenzo Cappelletti e l'architettura in Italia nel secondo Ottocento.
- Mie ASAKURA, Émergence de "l'art vestimentaire" de 1905 à 1912: Genèse théorique et pratique de la robe simultanée de Sonia Delaunay.
- Shigetoshi OSANO, [Book Review] A. Akiyama, Auf der Suche nach dem Ruhm. Albrecht Dürers Self-fashioning.
- Yuko TAKAHASHI, [Book Review] D. Evely et al. (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur: Studies in the Archaeology of Crete and Euboea presented to Mervyn Popham.
- Sakurako FUJISAWA (IMAI), La porticus nella casa di Trimalchione (Sat. 29 e 72): lo spazio e la sua funzione.
- Hisatsugu KUSABU, The Byzantine anti-heretics policy: Heresiologies and Legislation analyzed.
- Midori SONODA, Scelte poetiche e scelte dello stile compositivo di un musicista del Cinquecento: Alcuni indizi forniti dal carteggio di Giaches de Wert.
- Yoko KITADA, La stampa e la politica culturale di Cosimo I: Stamperia ducale Lorenzo Torrentino (1547~1563).
- Kazuoki SHIUCHI, Municipal Charter of Roman Spain: A Town Image in the Law Text.
- Morihisa ISHIGURO, La propaganda politica e i discorsi sui principi del tardo rinascimento: Alcuni considerazioni sopra "Apoteosi di Cosimo I" nel Palazzo Vecchio.
- Akira NOMACHI, [Book Review] M. Akiyama, Church Fathers and Interpretation of Classical Heritage: The scope of typology.
- Momoe KANAZAWA, The Iconography of the Classical Sea Monster 'Cetus' and the Birth of Dragons: A Study of Sea Monsters in the Tapestry of Creation in Girona.
- Makoto KATO, Creating bastides in South-West France: A Case in Agenais between the 13th and 14th Century.
- Utako KURIHARA, Une Étude La Chute de la maison Usher de Claude Debussy: Autour de son acceptation d'Edgar Allan Poe.
- Chihiro NAGATA, Spina and the Activity of the Etruscans: Intercultural Relations in the Northern Mediterranean Region before the Roman Control.
- Kazumi NUKUI, « El Triunfo de Baco » de Velázquez: la influencia de sus bodegones y la intención del pintor.
- Yoshie KOJIMA, [Book Review] E. Castelnuovo, La cattedrale tascabile: Scritti di storia dell'arte.
- Shin-ichi NISHIMOTO / Sakuji YOSHIMURA / So HASEGAWA, The Sarcophagus of Royal Scribe Mes found at North Dahshur.
- Naoko NISHIMOTO, The Folding Bed of Tutankhamun.
- Taro HYUGA, Virgil's Circe: a subliminal portent of war in Aeneid 7.
- Kiyoshi ISHIKAWA, The Planning Procedure of the Church of Santa Maria delle Carceri in Prato: A Reconsideration of the Renaissance Centralized Church.
- Tatsuko MORI, J.-G. Noverre reconsidéré en tant que critique à travers ses Lettres sur la danse et sur les ballets.
- Hidenobu JINNAI / Mari HATTORI / Takashi HIDEMA, La struttura dello spazio urbano nella città marittima di Amalfi: considerazione in base alle indagini sul posto.
- Kenji ODA, [Book Review] K. Syoju, History of the Byzantine Empire.
- S. YOSHIMURA / J. KONDO / S. HASEGAWA / T. NAKAGAWA / S. NISHIMOTO / T. SAKATA / M. ETAYA, Preliminary Report of Excavations at Dahshur North, Egypt. (E.)
- Makoto ANZAI, A Chorus Who Performs a Poet: Pindar's Third Nemean Ode, 1-12.
- Shinya UENO, Civic Ideology 'Polis = Citizenry': A Demonstration.
- Manabu AKIYAMA, St. Basil and the Renaissances: Relationship between theology and humanism.
- Kohei IKEGAMI, Piero della Francesca and the Venetian Altarpiece.
- Akira AKIYAMA, Die Schöpfung einer römischen Malerin "Marthia".
- Mayumi WATANABE, [Book Review] S. Kirishiki Commentaries on Bertotti-Scamozzi's "Le fabbriche e i disegni di Andrea Palladio."
- S. YOSHIMURA / J. KONDO / S. HASEGAWA / T. NAKAGAWA / S. NISHIMOTO / H. KASHIWAGI / T. SAKATA / M. ETAYA, Preliminary Report of Excavations at Dahshur North, Egypt. (E.)
- Mitsuru HAGA, Die Propyläen: von archaischer Zeit bis zum 2.Jh.n.Chr.
- Yoshinori KYOTANI, La citazione del cosiddetto "Fregio di S. Lorenzo" negli affreschi della Sala dei Mesi nel Palazzo Schifanoia.
- Il KIM, Quattrocento Studioli. The Historical Background of Fifteenth-century Humanism in Italy and the Changing Reception of De vita solitaria. (E.)
- Shusaku KANAKUBO, Monteverdi's Lost Opera "Arianna" and Commedia dell'arte: A Consideration around the Birth of Opera.
- Shiro NATORI, [Book Review] La Méditerranée de Paul-Albert Février.
- S. YOSHIMURA / J. KONDO / S. HASEGAWA / T. SAKATA / M. ETAYA / T. NAKAGAWA / S. NISHIMOTO, A Preliminary Report of the General Survey at Dahshur North, Egypt. (E.)
- Yoko KAMENAGA, L'attegiamento verso il debito pubblico a Genova nel basso medioevo: l'esempio della famiglia Lomellini.
- Shiro MIYATAKE, Doña Gracia Nasi: A Jewess in the Mediterranean World of the Sixteenth Century.
- Tomoko TAKAHASHI, Reconsidering the Meaning of Giorgione's Laura.
- Juri WAGURI, La proprietà fondiaria dei veneziani, 1520-1570: l'attività e l'idea di Alvise Cornaro.
- Tadayoshi ISHIHARA, Características Lingüísticas del Arabe Dialectal Andalusí: Desde el Punto de Vista Fonológico.
- Kuniko FUJIWARA, The Worship of Saints and Relationship among Social Groups in Malta: A Case Study of the Southern Village of Ghaxaq.
- Taro NISHIMURA, [Book Review] Kazuhiko TANGE Critical Essays on Greek Tragedy.
- Nobuyuki FUJII, Theban Rebellion under the Reign of Takeloth II: A Study of the Priests of Amen under the Libyan Dynasty.
- Chieko SHINOZUKA, Theseus' Ship: Reconsideration on the François Vase.
- Akira AKIYAMA, Die Schnelligkeit der künstlerischen Ausführung Dürers während seiner zweiten Italienreise.
- Masahiro OGAWA, [Book Review] Naoko YAMAGATA, Homeric Morality.
- Nobuo KOMITA, Poseidon and the Indo-Europeans.
- Kozue KOBAYASHI, « Judas/Œdipus Legend » in Medieval Latin and Romance Languages.
- Yuki KATO, The Modal Theory of Gioseffo Zarlino.
- Michiaki KOSHIKAWA, Contribution to the Drawings of Domenico Tintoretto. (E.)
- Setsuko YOSHIKAWA, The First Impressionist Exhibition and the Salon. (E.)
- Madoka SUZUKI, Akoris through out the Predynastic to the Graeco-Roman Periods -- a brief outline. (E.)
- Tsuneo NAKAYAMA, [Book Review] Masahiro OGAWA, Studies in Virgil: A Creative Roman Poet.
- Toshihiro OSADA, Beitrag zum Studium des Frieses vom Reiterdenkmal des Aemilius Paullus.
- Tomoyuki MASUDA, The Island of Agioi Nikolaoi -- A Byzantine City in Lycia and the Early Cult of St. Nicholas.
- Koh SUENAGA, The Woodcut Illustrations of Five Editions of Vitruvius's Ten Books on Architecture Publishied in the Sixteenth Century in Italy.
- Yasuhiro OHTSUKI, [Book Review] Hiroshi TAKAYAMA, The Medieval Mediterranean and the Kingdom of Sicily.
- Koichi HADA, Histoire des peintures <Andromède>.
- Noritaka KIKUCHI, El monasterio de San Pedro de Roda y su taller del siglo XII.
- Keiko MIYAMOTO, The Miniatures of the Süleymanname: Its Style and the System of Production.
- Mako YOSHIZUMI, Caravaggio's « Stigmatization of St. Francis » in Hartford: A Reconsideration of its Iconography. (E.)
- Ryoji MOTOMURA, Chester: Mediterranean City on the Northern Frontier of the Roman Empire. (*)
- Masahiko MORI, [Book Review] Shigetoshi OSANO Antiquity in Memory: The Reception of the Antique in the Art of the Renaissance.
- Rui NAKAMURA, The Dual Structure of the Odyssey Frieze. (E.)
- Hidemi TAKAHASHI, References to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Eary Christian Latin Verse. (E.)
- Keiko OHTA, Movement of Moutain Folk in the Eleventh Century -- Nasr b. Musaraf al-Rawadifi.
- Yo TOKUHASHI, Libri di Ricordanze dei mercanti italiani nel Medioevo.
- Satoshi OKADA, Lodoli and Piranesi in Parere su l'Architettura.
- Keiji BABA, [Book Review] Pausanias' Description of Greece, Transl. by K. Iio.
- Keiko TAKAKI, [Book Review] E. Gellner, Muslim Society.
- Miyako HIROSE, Sugli archi di Augusto nel foro romano -- ricerca basata sulle nuove indagini.
- Yumiko MARUYAMA, Un aspect des oeuvres lyriques aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles -- Remarque sur le prologue de l'opéra-ballet.
- Yoko YANO, Homère aveugle: une image d'artiste dans la peinture néo-classique.
- Junichi TOBE, The World of Norimasa Kuwahara. (*)
- Midori WAKAKUWA, [Book Review] Masanori Aoyagi Urbs Roma.
- Norio MATSUMOTO, Mediterranean World and Christianity in Late Antiquity.
- Shiro SASANO, The Idea of the City in the Oriental Region of the Byzantine Empire in the Sixth Century -- The Strategic Cities in the Book Peri Ktismaton.
- Kazuaki AWA, Las miniaturas del Códice « Beatus » de El Escorial.
- Chika AMANO, Le Cubisme et la Décoration -- Les discours autour d'art/ décoratif 1890-1914.
- Kiyoo UEMURA / Shigetoshi OSANO, L'Arte a Siena -- Precisazioni sullo svolgimento delle ricerche storico-artistiche in Italia negli anni 1980. (*)
- Toru MIURA, Some Remarks on Urbanism in Islam. (*)
- Tsutomu SAKAMOTO, [Book Review] Zeynep Çelik The Remaking of Istanbul -- Portrait of an Ottoman City in the Nineteenthe Century.
- Yasutami FUKUI, Possibility of Fusion of Two Goddesses: 'Anat and Asherah'.
- Takashi TANIICHI, Spacer Glass Beads in the Second Millennium B.C.
- Yoshihiro OSHIBA, The Character of Turnus in the Aeneid.
- Kiyoshi ISHIKAWA, Il ruolo di Michelozzo di Bartolomeo nelle attività edilizie fiorentine del primo Rinascimento.
- Atsushi MIURA, Le portrait de M. Desboutin par Manet et le problème de la représentation de l'artiste.
- Masanori AOYAGI, [Book Review] Filippo Coarelli Il Foro Romano.
- Tohru SATO, The Merits and Demerits of 'τα μαθηματα'. (E.)
- Yuko ARAKAWA, J. M. W. Turner's Representation of the History: from <pagan> to <Christian> world.
- Hiroaki SAKURAI, A la recherche du lien entre l'œuvre et les noms: en cas de Mirèio par F. Mistral.
- Hiroko TAKAHASHI, [Book Review] R. L. Pisetzky Il costume e la moda nella società italiana.
- Iwao KOBORI, [Book Review] M. Barceló et alii Les Aigües Cercades: Els qanãt(s) de l'illa de Mallorca.
- Toshio KATSUMATA, The Ritual Use of the Marine Style Vases on the LMIB Period in Crete.
- Yoshiki KANAZAWA, Acculturated or Not?: Observations on Indigenous Culture and Society of Egyptians under the Hellenism.
- Shigeo SAWAI, Campanella, Apologia pro Galileo.
- Setsuko YOSHIKAWA, Manet from the Perspective of Still Life Paintings
- Hiroshi MINO, L'Inspiration méditerranéenne -- Valéry et Camus.
- Ikuko ISHIHARA, The Characteristic of a Horror Film in "The Spirit of the Beehive" Directed by V. Erice.
- Tomoo MATSUDA, "Sehnsucht nach Süden" -- des deutschen Bürgertums in Wiederkehr. (*)
- Kozue KOBAYASHI, [Book Review] Eva C. Keuls The Reign of the Phallus -- Sexual Politics in Ancient Athens.
- Chikako KATAYAMA, [Book Review] Two Unknown Aspects of Renaissance Music.
- M. AOYAGI / R. MOTOMURA / T. SUZUKI / S. NAGAO / H. JINNAI, Cultural Structure of Mediterranean Cities. (*)
- Midori WAKAKUWA, Un saggio sulle sibille di Michelangelo nella Cappella Sistina (1).
- Katsumi MIYAZAKI, Les Motifs de Nature Morte chez Cézanne -- autour de la bouteille et des pommes.
- Tokiko SUZUKI, [Book Review] Quelques études récentes sur J.-L. David.
- Masaaki Kubo, Sappho-Ovidius-Renaissance. (E.)
- Seiji Honda, Garcilaso de la Vega y la Libertad Humana -- un estudio sobre el renacimiento español.
- Yasufumi Kijima, An Outline of Urban Dwellings in the Mediterranean Cities.
- Norio Matsumoto, [Book Review] L. Casson Travel in the Ancient World.
- Caterina Limentani Virdis, [Book Review] L. Castelfranchi Vegas Italia e Fiandra nella pittura del Quattrocento. (E.)
- Shigetoshi OSANO, Di Nuovo Rogier van der Weyden in Italia. (I.)
- Shuji TAKASHINA, Balzac's Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu. (E.)
- Tadahiko WADA, Un'America in Italia nel ventennio nero.
- Atsuko HOSOI, Quelques remarques pour le classement des manuscrits de Lysias.
- Tohru SATO, Greek Science -- τα μαθηματα and η φυσικη.(*)
- Shigebumi TSUJI, [Book Review] Sahoko TSUJI Du monde classique au monde chrétien: étude sur les mosaïques de pavement II.
- Masako TANJI, The Reinterpretation of the Figurines from Çatal Hüyük.
- Masanori AOYAGI, Statua di Augusto di Prima Porta.
- Norimasa KUWAHARA, Sea-faring and Crime -- On the Surrounding Problems of Seneca's Medea 301-79.
- Tatsuko SHINOHARA, La construction "à deux étages" dans Les Heures d'Etienne Chevalier.
- Akinori KATO, L'ambiente Residenziale degli Immigrati Italiani -- Dal Veneto al Rio Grande do Sul.
- Shigebumi TSUJI, [Book Review] Sahoko TSUJI Du monde classique au monde chrétien: étude sur les mosaïques de pavement.
- Kazuhiko TANGE, Osten vs. Westen -- Von den Persern des Aischylos.
- Kenichiro HIDAKA, Da Ciriaco al Filarete.
- Saburo KIMURA, Etudes sur Diogène Jetant son Ecuelle de Nicolas Poussin. (F.)
- Mariko TAMANOI, The Transformation of the Masoveria System -- Reports from Besalú in Old Catalonia.
- Takao AEBA, Deux abbayes Cistericiennes en Provence.(*)
- Tomoko ISHIDA, Modern Greek Historiography.(*)
- Ryoji MOTOMURA, [Book Review] Paul Veyne La Pain et le Cirque -- Sociologie historique d'un pluralisme politique.
- Rinscho TAKEBE, Ein Versuch über die Ironie des Sophokles.
- Masahiro OGAWA, Virgile et les origines de Rome -- A propos de l'Enéide VII-XII.
- Chikako AMANO, La "Division du canon" attribuée à Euclide et la théorie mathématique des intervalles musicaux.
- Hiroko TAKAHASHI, Rubens and Italy -- A critical survey.
- Naomi TAKEYA, Denuncia e Speranza di Leonardo Sciascia -- L'Italia è sicilianizzata.
- Tomotada IWAKURA, [Book Review] De vulgari eloquentia Dante Alighieri, Opere minori II Classici Ricciardi, 1979.
- Kenzo SAKAMOTO, [Book Review] Shuntaro Ito The Medieval Latin Translation of the Data of Euclid.
- Hideo SUZUKI, Climatic Changes and Human History in the Mediterranean Region.
- Manabu TAJIMA / Hidenobu JINNAI, Studi sulla Storia dell'Urbanistica in Italia.
- Madoka SUZUKI, La Collection Egyptienne de l'Université de Kyoto. (F.)
- Norio NAKAYAMA, Untersuchung der auf weissgrundigen Lekythen dargestellten Grabmäler.
- Kosaku TOGUCHI, [Book Review] L'Ars Nova Italiana del Trecento IV, Centro di Studi-Certaldo, 1978.
- Norio MATSUMOTO, [Book Review] R. M. Grant, Early Christianity and Society.
- Sasagu ARAI, Simonianische Gnosis und die Exegese über die Seele.
- Vincenzo TUSA, Archeologia e Storia nella Sicilia Occidentale. (I.)
- Norio NAKAYAMA, Untersuchung der auf weissgrundigen Lekythen dargestellten Grabmäler.
- Takashi SEKI, Prinzipien des Entwurfs in der griechischen Kunst.
- Akiko MABUCHI, [Book Review] Theodore Reff, The Notebooks of Edgar Degas and Degas, the artist's mind.
- Tsuneo NAKAYAMA, Von Osten nach Westen -- Wanderung und Verwandlung von Vergils Aeneas.
- Atsuko HOSOI, La prose d'art chez Hérodote -- Hdt. 1. 201-216.
- Clifford WEBER, Gallus' Grynium and Virgil's Cumae. (E.)
- Norio NAKAYAMA, Untersuchung der auf weissgrundigen Lekythen dargestellten Grabmäler.
- Tamotsu TANABE, Simone Weil et sa conception de la sphère de civilisation méditerranéenne.
- Tokiko SUZUKI, [Book Review] E. H. Gombrich, Heritage of Apelles.
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